Sodium ion battery is a promising electrochemical energy storage technology as an alternative to lithium ion batteries. The use of highly earth abundant element sodium, instead of precious lithium, potentially allows very low materials cost in battery manufacturing in the future, which is particularly important for large scale energy storage, such as stationary storage for electrical grids and high power tools.

1. Design and synthesis of novel cathode materials for sodium ion batteries

High energy P2-Na0.6(Li0.2Mn0.8)O2 cathode. Lufeng Yang et al. JPS, 2018 

High energy P2-Na0.66(Li0.18Fe0.12Mn0.7)O2 cathode. Yang LF et al. JACS 2019

Ultra-high rate P2-Na0.6(Ti0.2Mn0.2Co0.2Ni0.2Ru0.2)O2 cathode cycled at 100C.  Yang LF et al. JACS Au 2020

NaMnO2 cathode (Ma XH and Chen HL et al. J. Electrochem. Soc. 2010)


NaMnPO4CO3 cathode (Chen HL et al. 2013 Chem. Mater.)

Picture5sidorenkite cycling2

2. Design and synthesis of novel anode materials for sodium ion batteries

Novel titanate as anode for sodium ion batteries. Ma XT et al. Sci. Reports. 2017